Thursday, September 25, 2008


Hmmm...where to begin with Choke. I tried to review my notes, but I only have two.
  1. I think that's Sara Silverman's sister Laura playing Paige. (It wasn't.)
  2. Sam Rockwell is very funny. (He was.)
You would think that not having a ton of notes to review would mean that I enjoyed myself very much. That's not true, but I also can't say that I hated the movie. The funny moments in Choke are very funny. The problem is that the movie doesn't really have a plot, so much as it has a collection of funny moments.

Okay, that's not totally fair. Choke does have a plot - A sex addict with a mother in a home for Alzheimer's patients earns extra money by pretending to choke and have people save him. He might be the son of Jesus, and he's in love with a woman he meets at the home - it's just kind of all over the place.

I will be the first to tell you that I am not a Chuck Palahniuk reader and while I liked the film adaptation of Fight Club, I don't think it's the greatest film ever made. So, maybe it's me, but I think Choke is at it's best when it doesn't try to have a heart. The film is funniest when Sam Rockwell's Victor is having sex with strangers and we hear his voice over. If you're a Palahniuk reader you might like it more, but as for me the Greek gives it a C.

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